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Microfluidics for geosciences


October 2024: I have been interviewed for the 1st podcast from the "Cellule Mutualisée Europe-Recherche" where I share my experience as an ERC starting grant laureate, it's here. We talked about my background, how to combine teaching, research, and grant application, about what the ERC brought me. We also talk about my journey with cancer and work. The sharing of experience from ERC laureates was very helpful for my application, so I am very happy to share my experience with colleagues now!

September 2024: Welcome to our new lab members working on TRACE-it project,  details here

January 2024: job openings! We are looking for PhD, and Postdoc, details here. Update: the positions are filled.

September 2023: new video (in French) by Monsieur Bidouille on microfluidics for geosciences, here:

August 2022: Launch of the website of the ERC project TRACE-it! Visit it here and look out for job offers! 

May 2022: Want to know more about microfluidics for geosciences? Have a look at our article in "Pour la Science" the popular science magazine, available online and on sale in May 2022.

January 2022: Extremely happy to be awarded an ERC Starting grant by the European Research Council for my project TRACE-it.  For the next 5 years, we will be figuring out how we can control particle flow in geological environments using concentration gradients as the driving force. More info to come soon!

August 2021: I was honored to present our work at the GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinars, see my talk here

July 2021: The ANR project GéoMIME has been funded! More details here

About me

My resume .


Welcome to my website!


I am a microfluidic experimentalist motivated by the desire to decipher the complex interplay between flow microdynamics, geochemistry, and living organisms in porous media. My past and current research interests cut across different domains including the understanding of blood circulation, the use of the incredible properties of carbon nanotubes, the sequestration of CO2 into geological reservoirs, and the remediation of contaminated aquifers. These processes share a description in a cascade of scales in which phenomena occurring at the micrometer scale translate into large-scale events. The complex feedback between physico-chemical processes and between scales fascinates me.


Sophie Roman phone number

Phone (office)

+33 (0)2 38 25 50 26

Sophie Roman email



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