Sophie Roman
Associate Professor, University of Orléans (France)
Work experiences
From Sept. 2017
Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans (ISTO, France), Associate Professor at the University of Orleans, Porous Media Research Group.
Head of the NanoμLab in Orléans– a micronanofluidic facility to investigate coupled processes in porous media and address the societal and environmental challenges of the 21st century.
Stanford University (CA, USA), Energy Resources Engineering Department, post-doctoral fellow (2 years), research scientist (2 years) working with Prof. Anthony Kovscek and Prof. Hamdi Tchelepi.
« Dynamics of multiphase and reactive flows using microfluidic devices representative of subsurface geological environments»
Montpellier 2 University (France), Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, post-doctoral fellow (7 months), working with Dr. Vincent Jourdain and Prof. François Henn.
« Biosensor: confinement of ionic bio-channels inside a carbon nanotube for selective ion transport »
Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT, France), PhD student, thesis defended in December 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Sylvie Lorthois and Dr. Frédéric Risso
« Flow of concentrated suspensions of red blood cells in microchannels: experimental study».
Sanofi, Toulouse (France), Scientific Computing & Data Management department, internship (6 months)
« Acquisition, processing and image analysis ».
2009-2012 Ph.D. of National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (France), specialized in Fluid Dynamics.
2006-2009 Master of Science in Bioscience Engineering, Institute of Biosciences of Paris (France),
Teaching & mentoring
University of Orléans, Universe Science Observatory (OSUC), 192 hours/year.
Undergraduate and graduate level (lectures and practical work): hydrogeology, reactive transport, geochemistry of natural waters, transport laws and fluid mechanics, modeling of groundwater flows, field course in hydrogeology.
Stanford University, School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences.
Lecture in the Flow through Porous Media Laboratory class (ENERGY 120A): experimental fluid mechanics in porous media.
Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France), Department of Physical Measurements, 64 hours/year
Undergraduate level (practical works): Electricity, Optics, Solid mechanics.
Supervision of graduate students (MSc, 2 to 6 months internship)
2021: V. Gredicak, Montanuniversität Leoben (AUT)
2021: N. Bernard, Saint-Étienne School of Mines (FR)
2020: V. Pluvy, University of Orléans (FR)
2020: J. Alves, University of Orléans (FR)
2018: A. Ferrah, University of Lorraine (FR)
2018: A. Vella, University of Orléans (FR)
2015: P. Louazel, ENSTA ParisTech (FR)
Supervision of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows
2021-2024 Viktor Gredicak, Ph.D. student
2021-2022 Flore Rembert, Postdoctoral fellow
2020-2022 Khaled Brimo, Postdoctoral fellow
2019-2022 Mahdi Mansouri-Boroujeni, Ph.D. student
2013 Léopold Escande Prize 2013: best thesis in Engineering, National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse.
2012 Best Poster Prize, 37th Annual Meeting of the Biomechanics Society.
2009 Ph.D. excellence scholarship from the French Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche.
Institutional responsibilities & reviewing activities
Responsible of 5 teaching courses (University of Orléans): Hydrogeology (bachelor), Geochemistry of natural water (bachelor), Hydrogeology (MSc), Reactive transport (MSc), Hydrogeology field camp (MSc)
Reviewer for proposals: National Science Foundation (NSF), American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF)
Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals: Chemical Engineering Science, Scientific Report, Transport in Porous Media, Fuel, Advances in Water Resources, Sensors, Water Resources Research, Chemical Geology, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Oil & Gas Science and Technology
Memberships of scientific societies
2013-now Member of Interpore, International Society for Porous Media
2014-now Member of AGU, American Geophysical Union
Invited conference and presentations (selection)
GeoScience & GeoEnergy webinar: "Microfluidics for Geosciences: Multiphase and Reactive Transport in Porous Media", August 2021, invited by Prof. Sebastian Geiger and Prof. Hadi Hajibeygi, Online talk:
Webinar: “Multiphase flow and reactive transport in porous media: an experimental microfluidic approach”, PoreLab, Norway, invited, online talk:, 2020.
Conference: “Microfluidics to improve mechanistic understanding of multiphase and reactive flow processes in Earth systems”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, invited speaker, 2019.
Conference: “Combination of microfluidic experiments and numerical simulations to study pore-scale multiphase reactive flow”, Microfluidics 2019: from laboratory tools to process development (France), invited speaker, 2019.
Seminar: “Flow of complex fluids in porous media: an experimental microfluidic approach”, Princeton University (USA), Soft Materials Coffee Hour, on invitation of Ass. Prof. S. Datta, 2019.
Seminar: “Experimental study of the flow of red blood cell suspensions in microchannels”, ARTORG Center, University of Bern (Switzerland), on invitation of Prof. D. Obrist, 2014.
Seminar: “Improved visualization of flow mechanisms in micromodels”, Fluid Mechanics Institute of Toulouse (France), talk on invitation of Prof. M. Quintard, 2014.