Sophie Roman
Associate Professor, University of Orléans (France)
Articles published in journals
Rembert F., Stolz A., Soulaine C., Roman S., A microfluidic chip for geoelectrical monitoring of critical zone processes, Lab on a Chip 23(15), 2023. here
Mansouri-Boroujeni M., Soulaine C., Azaroual M., Roman S., How interfacial dynamics controls drainage pore-invasion patterns in porous media, Advances in Water Resources, 171: 104353, 2023. here
Soulaine C., Girolami L., Arbaret L., Roman S., Digital Rock Physics: computation of hydrodynamic dispersion, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles 76, 51, 2021. here
Soulaine C., Maes J., Roman S., Computational microfluidics for geosciences. Frontiers in Water, 3, p.11, 2021. here
Poonoosamy J., Soulaine C., Burmeister A., Deissmann G., Bosbach D., Roman S., Microfluidic flow-through reactor and 3D Raman imaging for in situ assessment of mineral reactivity in porous and fractured porous media, Lab on a Chip, 20(14), 2562-2571, 2020. here
Molins S., Soulaine C., Prasianakis N. I., Abbasi A., Poncet P., Ladd A. J., Starchenko V., Roman S., Trebotich D., Tchelepi H. A., Steefel, C. I., Simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces: Review of approaches and benchmark problem set, Computational Geosciences, 1-34, 2020. here
Roman S., Soulaine C., Kovscek A., Pore-scale visualization and characterization of viscous dissipation in porous media, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 558: 269-279, 2019. here
Soulaine C., Roman S., Kovscek A., Tchelepi H., Pore-scale modelling of multiphase reactive flow: application to mineral dissolution with production of CO2, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 855: 616-645, 2018. here
Roman S., Abu Al Saud M. O., Tokunaga T., Wan J., Kovscek A., Tchelepi H., Measurements and simulation of liquid films during drainage displacements and snap-off in constricted capillary tubes, J. Colloid Interface Sci, 507: 279-289, 2017. here
Soulaine C., Roman S., Kovscek A., Tchelepi H., Mineral dissolution and wormholing from a pore-scale perspective, J. Fluid Mech., 827: 457-483, 2017. here
Yun W., Ross C. M., Roman S., Kovscek A., Creation of a dual-porosity micromodel with improved realism in both pore structure and flow behavior for the study of immiscible flow in complex porous media, Lab. Chip, 8, 2017. here
Roman S., Merlo A., Duru P., Risso F., Lorthois S., Going beyond 20 micrometer-sized channels for studying red blood cell phase separation in microfluidic bifurcations, Biomicrofluidics, 2016. here
Soulaine C., Gjetvaj F., Garing C., Roman S., Russian A., Gouze P., Tchelepi H.A., The Impact of Sub-Resolution Porosity of X-ray Microtomography Images on the Permeability, Transport in Porous Media, 2016. here
Roman S., Soulaine C., Abu AlSaud M, Kovscek A., Tchelepi H., Particle Velocimetry Analysis of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Micromodels, In Press, Advances in Water Resources, 2016. here
Yazda K., Roman S., Tahir S., Henn F., Jourdain V., Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices for the Study of Ion Transport through Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, MRS Advances, 2016. here
Roman S., Lorthois S., Duru P., Risso F., Velocimetry of red blood cells in microvessels by the dual slit method: effect of velocity gradients, Microvascular Research 84: 249-261, 2012. here
Moravec F., Roman S., Numerical computing of elastic homogenized coefficients for periodic fibrous tissue, Applied and Computational Mechanics 3: 141-152, 2009. here
Conference proceedings published in journals
Roman S., Lorthois S., Duru P., Risso F., Flow of concentrated red blood cell suspensions at micro-bifurcations: an in vitro experimental study, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Suppl 1:33-5, 2013. here
Roman S., Lorthois S., Duru P., Risso F., An optimized technique for red blood cells velocity measurement in microvessels, Journal of Biomechanics, 45: 1-35, 2012. here
Campagnolo L., Roman S., Perchoux J., Lorthois S., A new optical feedback interferometer for measuring red blood cell velocity distributions in individual capillaries: a feasibility study in microchannels, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: 15-S1: 104-105, 2012. here
Best Poster Prize, 37th Annual Meeting of the Biomechanics Society.
Nakib A., Roman S., Oulhadj H., Siarry P., Fast brain MRI segmentation based on two-dimensional survival exponential entropy and particule swarm optimization, Conference proceedings: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 5563–5566, 2007. here